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Online Workshops & Modules

All of Melissa's workshops are here— they’re all here to help your family on the ageing, dementia and caregiving journeys.

Everything Dementia: The Foundations

A must-watch for every family navigating any stage of the dementia journey. I share my philosophies, my beliefs, and my single most important mantra that helps in every challenging moment. 

Additional outcomes: Have a high-level understanding of what is dementia, and the unique characteristics of Alzheimer's disease, Vascular dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies,  and Frontotemporal dementia (FTD). 

And all the common questions and fears re the differences between 'normal brain ageing' and dementia, risk factors and genetics of dementia.


Dementia Caregiver

Pre-Diagnosis & the Dementia Diagnosis

  • Something doesn't seem quite right:

    • How to encourage Mom/Dad to seek a diagnosis

    • The 'what-to-expect, where, when & why' to seek a diagnosis (including: initial consultation preparation checklist)


  • Receiving a dementia diagnosis 

    • Coping with a dementia diagnosis (both Mom, and you too)

    • Helping Mom share her dementia diagnosis with family, friends and healthcare professionals

    • How to speak to children (i.e. grandchildren) about dementia


  • Treatments of dementia explained


LEARN MORE about the Pre-Diagnosis module

Dementia Patient

Post-Diagnosis (a little bit of planning)

Following a diagnosis of dementia, it is important to pause, reflect, create family alignment, deeply understand your loved one's wishes, and take time to plan for the future - as a united family and care team.


I provide your family with scripts, questions and framework to have the difficult conversations that most families avoid - until it's too late. 


  • Conversations between your ageing loved one and the family; defining a meaningful life, wishes for the future, medical treatment, aged care, end-of-life etc.

  • Conversations with professionals (medical, legal, financial etc.)

  • Conversations to remedy family conflict


LEARN MORE about the Post-Diagnosis module

Dementia Family

Promoting independence, safety
& enriching daily life

This section is for you if your ​Mom/Dad still living at home or in independent/retirement living, and Mom/Dad are not requiring formal /professional care (earlier stages of dementia)


  • Defining a meaningful life; what matters most to Mom?  

  • Making home safer to live in, including checklists

  • Practical strategies to safely navigating the community

  • Communication strategies to maintain Mom's social connections and keep her engaged in conversations 

  • Safety with medications

  • Managing household chores

  • Losing everyday items, maintaining a calendar etc.

  • Practical strategies to helping your parent maintain paid or volunteer work


LEARN MORE about the Supporting Independent Living module

Old Man with Dementia

What to do when Mom's reality is different to yours? Do I always tell the truth?

Mom/Dad living with more progressed dementia, may still be living at home or in Residential Aged Care Home, requiring more care with daily living


  • Caring feels hard, because it is hard: The importance of self-care, finding your why, sharing the care (it truly takes a village), and filling your cup

  • What to do when Mom's reality/memory is different to yours, and do I always tell the truth? (she doesn't know that Dad has passed away, she wants to go home etc.)

  • Strategies for tricky moments (repetitive questions, calling you in the middle of the night etc.)

  • Communication (verbal and non-verbal)

  • Practical strategies for daily living (personal care, medication etc.)

  • Optimising dementia care at residential aged care

  • Questions for Mom's GP


LEARN MORE about the 'Progressed Dementia' module

Dementia patient with Child

Managing Dementia-Related Behaviors

  • Behavioral & Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)

  • My beliefs & rethinking BPSD

  • Identifying the cause of BPSD: What is Mom trying to communicate?

  • Delirium & behavior monitoring 

  • Practical strategies to managing:

    • Agitation

    • Verbal aggression

    • Physical aggression

    • Resistance to care

    • Sundowning

    • Changes in sleep

    • Wandering and exit-seeking

    • Calling out and vocalisations

    • Disinhibition (incl. sexual disinhibition)

    • Withdrawal

    • Depression, anxiety and sleep hygiene

    • Paranoia

    • Delusional beliefs

    • Auditory and/or visual hallucinations


LEARN MORE about the 'Managing BPSD' module


Dementia Care

  • Optimising dementia care at residential aged care

  • How to introduce needed support, even when Mom/Dad, but don't want it


Dementia Carers
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