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Limited time offer:

Access all my workshops for only AU $497

💰 More than $1,200 value (Save over $700!)






Everything Dementia

Manage Carer Stress & Avoid Burnout

Difficult Conversations & Future Planning

Navigating the Aged Care Maze (coming soon)

➕  Monthly live Q&As for VIP members

➕  Conversations with expert partners

➕  Workbook

➕  Lifetime access!

⏳ This offer is available for a limited time only
🔒 All courses come with a 14-day money-back guarantee

Or choose an individual workshop

Everything Dementia


A must-have course that covers every stage of Dementia. From pre-diagnosis all the way to managing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

Difficult Conversations & Future Planning

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Step-by-step to have difficult conversations most families avoid until it's too late. Understand Mum's wishes, create family alignment & plan for the future.

Reduce Caregiver Stress & Prevent Burnout

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The *only* caregiver self-care course you need to reduce caregiver stress and prevent burnout

🔒 All courses come with a 14-day money-back guarantee

Featured in:

As Seen in The Australian
As Seen on the ABC
As Seen on The Today Show

My online workshops have helped families:


Learn practical skills and strategies to make
day-to-day care & life easier


Maintain connection, argue less,
and see an increase in joyful
and meaningful moments


Find greater self-care balance.
Be more successful at juggling life (kids, parents, work & self)

With Talking Ageing, you're never alone.

My promise to you is that together, we'll solve problems, you'll have more clarity for today, and you'll understand the options and next steps for tomorrow.


I will provide you with the same strategies, knowledge, scripts, resources and exercises that I've given to 1,000+ families face-to-face. 


Featured in:

As Seen in The Australian
As Seen on the ABC
As Seen on The Today Show

Melissa Levi

© 2024 Melissa Levi & Talking Ageing Pty Ltd

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