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Making caring for your ageing parents easier

My '7 Step System to Transform Your Family's Care Story' will help you reduce carer stress, prevent burnout, create family alignment, plan for the future, and offer the best care for your ageing loved one. Become the carer you want to be!

Melissa Levi Profile

Featured in:

As Seen on the ABC
As Seen in The Australian
As Seen on The Today Show

Hi, I'm Melissa Levi 👋🏼

I'm a Clinical Psychologist & Author specialising in older people's mental health & dementia, and I have spent more than a decade helping more than 1,000 families successfully navigate the ageing and caring journey

- and I can help your family too! 

I’ve come to know that while every family’s story is unique, we all share the same fears and questions about ageing. 

I've now taken the same strategies, knowledge, scripts and actionable exercises that I give to families face-to-face and distilled them into my very first online course:

'My 7 Step System to Transform Your Family's Care Story'.

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What does success look like with Talking Ageing

Is my program for you?

Are you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by the daily demands of caring for Mum, Dad or an ageing loved one?


Do you have limited time, energy and resources to care for yourself? 

Does your family avoid the big, important conversations about care, health and death?

​Do you lie awake at night with a fear of tomorrow? (Worrying about your ageing loved one's future care, that never-ending mental to-do list, financial stress, etc.) 

Are you struggling to navigate changes in relationship dynamics (Do you miss just being your Dad's daughter?) 

​​Are you stressed and uncertain about taking on additional, new caregiving roles with no support or education?

​Are you experiencing family conflict?

What to expect:

  • ​13 modules, 40+ videos (approximately 5 hours worth of proprietary knowledge, strategies and exercises, which you can watch at your own pace)

  • Carer workbook (Full of actionable exercises, scripts, question lists; everything you need to bring My 7 Step System to life and make it work for you and your family)

  • I recommend doing the course from start to finish, but if you are time poor, you can jump straight to the modules that are most relevant to your personal circumstances

  • Lifetime access to this course, plus you'll get free access to all new programs that are released in 2024! (Dementia, Late Life Depression & Anxiety, and Navigating the Aged Care Maze)

  • You will also get access to everything I launch over the next 12 months (a private Talking Ageing community, weekly live webinar Q&A's!)

  • This is a course led from the heart, backed by clinical research and excellence, told through personal stories. My aim is to help you achieve the best care for your Mum, Dad or ageing loved one, to set your family up for success, and to allow you to invest in yourself, so that you can become the carer you want to be (as well as the partner, parent, friend and person you want to be)!

About Melissa & 'We Need to Talk About Ageing'

Industry Referral for Melissa Levi
We need to talk about Ageing by Melissa Levi

"Warm and compassionate, Melissa offers sound clinical information and practical advice... Sure to be helpful for all families."
Scientia Professor Henry Brodaty, Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, UNSW Sydney 

Industry Referral for Melissa Levi
We need to talk about Ageing by Melissa Levi

"We all MUST talk about old age and cognitive impairment, and this stellar book shows the way! An absolute must read!"
 - Associate Professor David Burke, Discipline of Psychiatry, UNDA Sydney


The Course Outline:

'My 7 Step System to Transform
Your Family's Care Story'

Talking Ageing - Course Outline

Melissa has been featured in:

As Seen on The Today Show
As Seen in The Australian

Welcome, My Philosophy & Intro:

What does success look like for your family?

  • Learn how to optimise the Talking Ageing 'Care Triangle' to set your family up for success

  • I share stories of families that I've worked with, to let you know that you're not alone, to inspire hope, and to show you what is truly possible for you and your family

Where are you today? 

  • Carer Stress Symptom Checklist: Recognise your symptoms of 'carer stress' (physical, mental and emotional stresses).

  • Clarity Leads to Change: We can effectively manage and prevent carer stress and burnout, but first, we need to define the problem/cause of the carer stress. 

  • Finding Your Why: A powerful source of motivation and meaning to keep you caring through the really hard times, to help you show up as the carer you want to be

My 7 Step System to Transform Your Care Journey

Step 1 - Build your village: 

  • Share the Care: Step-by-step strategies to build your village (family, friends and professionals), and implement practical strategies and systems to make the daily demands of caring more manageable.

  • You’ll free up time, energy and resources so you can still live your life, while also giving your Mum, Dad or ageing loved one the best care (Yes, this is possible & it’s win-win!)

Step 2 - Design a realistic, actionable self-care plan: 

  • Fill Your Cup: Caring is a marathon, not a sprint, so we will design a realistic, actionable plan to ensure you care for yourself, while caring for Mum, Dad or your ageing loved one (and juggling the rest of life too...) 

  • You’ll learn where and how you can access carer support

Step 3 - Navigating Changes in Relationship Dynamics: 

  • Acknowledging the Elephant in the Room: Learn how to have conversations with your loved ones about your (likely shared) experience.

  • Cultivating Connection & Leaning into Joy: Discover new ways to maintain connection and even experience moments of joy

Step 4 - Build Your Carer Confidence:

  • Educate to Alleviate: Build your confidence as a carer by knowing how to develop your knowledge and skills about your Mum, Dad or ageing loved one’s medical conditions, care needs, and more

Step 5 - Create Family Alignment:

  • It's time to have big, important conversations with your ageing parents. I provide you with everything you need to be set up for success: 

  • Conversation Strategies & Tips

  • We Need to Talk - Understanding Mum's Wishes

  • Questions for Your Family & Care Team

  • The Talking Ageing 'What If' Exercise

  • You’ll have greater clarity about your Mum, Dad or ageing loved one’s wishes for their future care (medical, aged care, end-of-life, quality of life, etc.)

  • You’ll set your family up for success by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each person in your family or care team 

Step 6 - Plan for the Future:

  • Your Family's Future Planning Roadmap

  • You’ll understand the relevant options for medical treatment, aged care and end-of-life care

  • You’ll develop a detailed plan for the future, to ensure that your Mum, Dad or ageing loved one’s future care is as consistent with their wishes as possible & to give you peace of mind

Bonus Step - Managing Family Conflict:

  • Speaking the Unspoken

  • You’ll learn how to have the big, hard conversations that we often avoid, to remedy family conflict, whilst caring for an ageing loved one

  • You’ll learn how to offer your Mum, Dad or ageing loved one the best possible care, in spite of unresolved family conflict

Step 7 - Financial Support:

  • You’ll learn about common sources of care-related financial stress

  • You’ll develop your understanding of the types of financial support that may be available, and know where to seek financial advice, specific to your personal circumstances

Melissa Levi and Family
Author Melissa Levi and "We Need to talk about Ageing"

If you're reading this, you're likely caring for someone you love.

You're wanting the very best for your mum, dad, grandma, grandpa or ageing loved one. And you're probably finding it really hard, exhausting, confusing, often thankless and relentless.

From dementia to late life depression and anxiety, from navigating the aged care maze to carer stress and support. There is so much to learn, so many appointments and diagnoses, and so many emotions. 

Firstly, I just want to say that you are not alone. Being a carer is one of the hardest and most important roles we'll play in our lives - while similtaneously trying to juggle the rest of life's responsibilities (kids, pets, friends, work - and our own mental health too).

As a clinical psychologist specialising in older people's mental health and dementia, I've helped 1,000+ families walk this journey. I’ve come to know that while every family’s story is unique, we all share the same fears and questions about ageing.

My promise to you is that together, we'll solve problems, you'll have more clarity for today, and you'll understand the options and next steps for tomorrow. My hope is to provide your family with greater peace of mind, and more confidence, knowledge, skills and strategies to make this stage of life easier. We will reduce your fears and anxieties, manage carer stress and prevent burnout.


I can't wait to help your family.


What does success look like at Talking Ageing

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Who is this course for?

  • This course is for you if you're caring for an ageing loved one, and you're finding it really hard, exhausting, confusing, often thankless and relentless. 

  • This course is for you if you're willing to learn new ways of thinking about caring, and you're willing to put in the 'work' to improve the care of both your ageing loved one, and your own self-care too. 

  • This course is for you if it's time to have the big, important conversations your family has been avoiding.

Who should NOT buy this course?

  • The ideas and strategies in this course only work if you take action. To see success, this course requires an investment of your time (and ideally your family's time too). I have successfully used these strategies and exercises with more than 1,000 families - and truly seen life changing results.

Is this course only for Australians or are they suitable for anyone around the world?

  • Ageing is a universal experience. Being Australian, I use 'Mum' instead of 'Mom', 'Ageing' instead of 'Aging', but the knowledge, strategies and exercises can be used by all families, irrespective of where you live. I have worked with families from Australia, USA, UK, EU and Asia.

How much is this course

  • This course is USD $297 and includes all the knowledge, strategies and exercises that I would typically work through over over 8-10 face to face session (at a cost of more than USD $2,500!) 

What if Talking Ageing isn't right for me?

  • I'm confident that this course gives you the knowledge, strategies and exercises you need to become the carer you want to be. Change is possible.. 

  • If you don’t find the tools and support you need, contact us within 14 days to discuss a refund.

Do you have an online community?

  • In 2024 we'll be creating a private Talking Ageing online community. 

How long is the course?

  • There is approximately 5 hours worth of content in this course, and 13 exercises; for you, for your ageing loved one (depending on their capacity and capability) and for your village. This course is self-paced, and you have ongoing access to the content, including future updates.

Are your courses online or in person?

  • Our courses and exercises are delivered entirely online. You will be provided with a login to our learning platform where you will be provided with the videos and downloadable PDF worksheets. 

I'm not tech savvy, will this be too hard for me?

  • Not at all. Talking Ageing is online, available on any device, and once you've become a member you'll be sent an email with your login details. The platform we use has been used by millions of people around the world - but if you have any issues, reach out to us.

Can I use my iPad or iPhone instead of a computer?

  • Absolutely. I personally find the larger the screen the better, but you can use any mobile device, tablet or computer. Additionally, I recommend that you print off the PDF exercises.

What downloads come with the course?

  • Each module has a downloadable exercise, or you can download the entire course in a single PDF (approx 100 pages to change your family's care story!)

What access will I have to Melissa as a member?

  • If you’re looking for me, this is where you’ll find me.

  • Over the next year I will be looking to host live events, webinars and Q&A sessions for my members. We will also be setting up a private community so you can access my team, and your peers; your extended village.

  • As stated in our Terms of Use, Talking Ageing is not engaged in rendering therapy services by providing the Site, and your use of the Site does not create any therapist-patient or other treatment relationship between you and Talking Ageing or Melissa Levi or any of its representatives.

Melissa Levi

© 2024 Melissa Levi & Talking Ageing Pty Ltd

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